【The China Securities Regulatory Commission will hold the "May 15 National Investor Protection Promotion Day" in 2021】

[ 时间:2022-09-14  ]

On May 15th, the China Securities Regulatory Commission held the 2021 "May 15 National Investor Protection Publicity Day" event in Beijing, with the theme of "Investors with Hearts and Actions Together - Keeping the original heart and worrying about the mission, and doing practical things for investors. ". Yi Huiman, chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, announced the launch of the investor protection publicity campaign "Re-walking the Centennial Road, Investing and Teaching Red Lines", and presented the flag to the representatives of the publicity group. Jiang Wei, vice president of the Supreme People's Court, attended the event, and vice chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, Yan Qingmin, attended and delivered a speech.

This activity is a part of the CSRC system, taking the opportunity of party history learning and education, to further implement the original mission and carry out the "I do practical things for the masses" practice activity. The online litigation and mediation docking system for securities and futures disputes was fully opened at the event site, and the securities regulatory system and the original investment and education products developed by market institutions in recent years that investors loved and heard were broadcast on-site and online simultaneously. Sub-reports in the Blue Book (2021) series. The Securities Association of China, the China Futures Association, the China Association of Listed Companies, and the Asset Management Association of China jointly issued a proposal for "Improving Customer Service Quality and Investor Satisfaction" to members. On the same day, all units of the securities regulatory system simultaneously launched various forms of investor protection publicity activities such as the launch of the 4th “Shareholders Are Coming” knowledge contest, “Investor Education Goes into Grassroots Party Building”, and “Dream Plan”. The investor protection publicity campaign "Re-walking the century-old road, investing in education in the red line" was sponsored by the Investor Protection Bureau of the China Securities Regulatory Commission and the Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges. A propaganda group composed of young volunteers will go to the old revolutionary base area, targeting local investors and the general public, to popularize investor protection knowledge in various forms. The event will last for one and a half months and will be carried out in the form of a combination of online and offline.

Comrades in charge of the relevant departments of the Central and State Organs Working Committee, the Supreme People's Court, the People's Bank of China, the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, etc.; Participants, media, and representatives of the publicity group participated in the main venue activities on the spot. The chairman of the Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges, as well as the principals of various management units and dispatched agencies, investors, market players, mediation organizations, investment education bases and local media representatives from various jurisdictions participated in the local video. A total of more than 1,500 people participated in this event .